Half term and Easter holidays.

As the school holiday approached I was oddly optimistic that everything would be fine and the school holidays would be as enjoyable as the pervious one. Being full of play areas, family time and fun.

As you can guess it wasn’t at all like that. On day 1 I was awoken by my 9 year old (who seems to be going on 16) with an attitude and that’s how my half term began. The first week was a misery with daily tantrums, hourly outbursts of attitude and a very shouty, unhappy mummy. All my plans were put on hold because I couldn’t take my children out into the world and have them decide to do a runner or for T not to get his own way and start screaming “your the worst mum ever, I hate you!” (which seemed to be on repeat the first week). I knew that adding disapproving stares and fellow parents tut’s would just tip me over the edge. So I saved myself the let the ground open and swallow me whole moments and opted to stay in. I did explain to my children why they were missing out and punished my kids accordingly because they knew their behaviour was wrong!

And then finally the day came that I had waited for, the day where they started to behave and we managed to have a good family day. It had only taken over a week! It was as if someone had come in the night and swapped my argumentative and disobedient boys for ones that wanted to go out an play, wanted to be good and didn’t think I was the bad guy.

So the second week was full of fun with only the odd blip of misbehaving.
We did arts and crafts, plus P learnt to ride his bike, we had a movie night and on Good Friday we managed to make it to a play area near us called funsters.



On the Saturday we had my friend round with her girls where we made Easter rice crispy buns and we spent the afternoon in the park.


That evening my friend and I had a fun. Once the kids where all asleep we decided to share a bottle of wine to blow off steam and put the worlds to rights. We talked well into night and the 1 bottle quickly turned into 2. We finally went to bed after 1 am, slightly tipsy and knowing I was going to pay in the morning for drinking more then a couple of glasses.

I was very much right and the next morning I woke up groggy headed with a creeping hangover that got worse as Easter Sunday wore on. It didn’t matter how I felt though because the Easter bunny had to turn up to hide the eggs in the garden for the hunt. So at 8am I was hobbling foggy headed hiding foil covered eggs around the garden while the kids still dozed in their beds. I didn’t even put all the eggs out and I saved at least half for a hunt the next day :). Later that day we had my nephews 6th birthday party, which was murder with a hangover. (Being surrounded by 50 screaming kids while my head pounded was my punishment for the second bottle of wine) Fortunately by the end of the party and a strong coffee later my head started to lift and I was starting to feel more normal again.
After the party I spent my time at home while my kids went off to a Easter fair with their grandma.

The next day was Easter Monday and again I went out into garden hiding eggs so my kids could have another hunt and I could hopefully snap some pictures but they ran around so fast finding the eggs that they were a blur for the most part. However I did get a some lovely pictures of my mini Easter bunny 🙂


We had a lovely family roast and some friends round for tea. It was really fun and I enjoyed to company (with no alcohol in sight!). Then it was back into the usual routine as my boys were back to school the next morning.

It was once they were all bathed, bedded and asleep that I managed to finally get some cleaning done that I hadn’t been able to do the last 2 weeks. I cleaned the bathroom, scrubbed my sofas and wiped down all the mucky kiddie prints off the doors and walls. I did all this because then I was able to enjoy my first day with my kids back at school.

I do love my kids whole heartedly but after the ups and downs of the last 2 weeks, today was a much needed break that I thoroughly enjoyed 🙂

Hope you all had a lovely half term and Easter holiday 🙂

Nikki ❤

8 thoughts on “Half term and Easter holidays.

    • I had originally planned to spread it out over the whole 2 weeks but due to behaviour at start I had to postpone some of it. Luckily they started to behave just at the right time and we managed to enjoy the end of holiday 🙂

  1. Doesn’t it just drive you loopy when they’re not behaving?! I feel like saying “why are you doing this to me?”, but then when they do turn into angels it really is the best thing ever 🙂

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