Bradford Christmas lights switch on.

Tonight has been a fun, exciting, magical and stressful night.

I took my family to go watch the Christmas lights be switched on in Bradford town centre.

I was about worried about going because I knew it would be crowded. Also I knew I would be on my own with kids as my hubby had to work that night. With this in mind I decided to ask a couple of my mummy friends if we all fancied going together. Because then we could keep each other company as well as help each other when it came to toilet runs and watched each other’s kids.
You know “mummy team work”.

My friends K and E were more the happy to go along with my idea and we mixed a group with my 4, K’s 2 boys and E’s little girl. Making the grand total of 3 adults and 7 kids, 4 of which were 3 or under. (Yes we are mad)

We decided to set off into town at 4.15pm so we would be able to get a good place to watch the show. Which started at 5pm. We got a prime spot were we could watch the kids, the show and still chat/relax. (or so we thought)

The weather had been crap all day. It had been foggy/misty but luckily the temperature wasn’t too bad. So we all sat and waited for the show to start.

The sky was dull, grey and it started to rain just as the show began to start.
That didn’t deter people though and the area soon began to fill up with crowds of people. It was then that I realised my “prime spot” wasn’t that great. Specially when a loads of teenage and preteen kids started try and push us out off way.

The poor family at side of me kept getting hit by my bag and at one point baby even kicked the mum in the eye as I shifted her weight on my hip. I was mortified.

But it didn’t matter because there were Christmas carols sung by the school choirs. The best part of the whole show was the acrobatic aerial show. It was amazing and the kids liked what they could see of it because the crowds were moving in and blocking their view. Luckily the show moved high up into the air. Shoring high above the crowds meaning the kids got a great view and I managed to get some lovely pictures.


By this point the rain had stopped and we got to watch the show in amazement. Although T kept complaining he was hungry because he was sulking as I wouldn’t buy a flashing sword.

The Lord Major of Bradford switched on the lights which was great and the fireworks were great. All the kids loved watching them and the whole show was great. Even with the odd stressful bits. We all made it through and the light looked amazing and we all enjoyed ourselves.

Santa was even give out presents as we left. The kids were so excited and of course the presents where a small charge but I couldn’t resist buy them one each.

I am so glad I had my friends to go with though because otherwise the night would of been much more stressful. (as my E needed the toilet almost constantly and all kids didn’t want to go every time)
I am so thankful for great friends because they made my night, specially when we went to go feed the tribe. The giggles, the banter and the memories that were made were great 🙂

Nikki ❤

country kids
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Binky Linky


Post Comment Love

Breastfeeding a 1 year old and I’m not going to stop!

Dear people passing comment in how I feed my child!

I firstly want to say how “happy” I am that you decided to express yourself and tell me your opinions and thoughts in me breastfeeding my child!

I would now like to express how I feel about some of the comments that you made and I would like to put you straight.

Yes I have a 1 year old
Yes I am still breastfeeding
and no I don’t have any plans to stop!

I know to some people breastfeeding can be a taboo subject (“it’s too sexual”) and a few really don’t agree with it in public (“put it away, it’s disgusting!”).
I’m sorry but if my child is hungry or thirsty and they want breastmilk, I’m not going to hide away in the toilets or let her suffer to appease you.
Just like you can’t leave me to happily care for my child with out making your unhelpful comment.

I will point out that breastfeeding is one of the most natural things in the world and it is actually recommended for you to breastfeed your child until they are 2.

So when you decide to ask me “Are you planning on stopping soon?” Or “Don’t you think she is getting a bit old to breastfeed?”
My answer is simply


See my daughter is only 1 year old and our breastfeeding journey started out as a rocky one.

From the night she was born, I had many health professionals telling me “she might not breastfeed” because she had Down’s syndrome and due to her stay in neonatal, she was tube feed for the first few weeks. Meaning I had to express every drop of milk just so I could feed her. This was before I even got to hold her.
Once I was able to try and feed her. I was jumped at the chance but again it was full negative people telling me “it might not happen”.
I came close to giving up because I just wanted my baby off the NG tube and feeding for herself, because then she could come home.

Luckily after 3 weeks we made a break through when she started to take a bottle of my expressed milk. I knew once she was home I would get her breastfeeding from the comfort of my home, without negativity or professionals breathing down my neck. It took a while, a lot of tears and stress that pushed to the point of giving up. But we got there and at just over 5 weeks old I got my baby fully breastfeeding.

Because of the struggles we went through and because she is my last baby. I am not going to give up this opportunity to make my daughter happy and give her what she needs. Just to make someone I don’t know more comfortable.

Yes I will be discreet. In public I may cover myself with a shrug or blanket. That isn’t because I’m ashamed or for your comfort but mine. (can’t be getting frozen nips now can we)

So next time you want to make a passing comment about how someone else cares for their child. Please walk pass me and actually say it to some one who wants to hear it. I’m busy listening to the happy murmurs of my feeding child 🙂

Yours sincerely


The woman breastfeeding her 1 year old.

Nikki ❤

Binky Linky


Post Comment Love

#MorningWin sponsored by Belvita Breakfast biscuits.

This post is an entry for #MorningWin Linky Challenge sponsored by belVita Breakfast. Learn more at


It’s Saturday morning before 7 am and I am awake. My body protests at the injustice of this act, as I drag myself out if bed. It’s then that I remind myself that I can’t complain because got an extra hour sleep today, as we normally have to get up at 6 am to all be fed and ready to make the bus for boys swimming lessons. But today grandma is driving them in her car. So I got one of those ever illusive sleep in’s(if you can call 7 am a sleep in)

I scurry into the boys room as quite as my creaky house will let me. As the girls are still happily in the land of nod and I want to see if I could push my luck and maybe be able to get and extra 30 minutes, once the boys have left.

They yawn and moan as they wake up. I shhhhhhh them as politely as I can because I don’t want to fall at first hurdle.
T makes his feeling well known about having to get up but actually does it very quietly.
We make are way down the stairs. The floor boards groan and squeak, almost tauntingly as we descend. (have you noticed every sound becomes louder if it’s before 8am?)
Once downstairs I stop to see if I hear the little pitter, patter of E’s feet or the mumble of baby protesting she is awake.


I breath a sigh of release. We made it past the first hurdle.
The boys sleepy curl up on the sofa enquiring about breakfast and rubbing their eyes. They let out a chorus of cheers when I tell them it’s Belvita breakfast biscuit.
This is because the biscuits slowly release carbohydrates over 4 hours (prefect for swimming lessons). The kids love them because they taste great (specially the new hazelnut or chocolate chip flavours) and best of all they come in individual packages meaning the boys, can take them and some fruit with them.

That’s when the game moves up a level as the endless nattering a of

“I can’t find this or I don’t have that”

came into play.
I rushed around my minefield of a house searching for the hidden and missing items of clothing (I am sure this is what the draws in their bedroom are for). Soon the boys are dressed and their bags are packed and I still have 10 minutes to spare.
So I stand in my kitchen deciding whether or not to make myself a coffee or tea to enjoy my breakfast biscuit with (chocolate chip of course).

It’s then that I notice the chill in the air and think maybe I should just click the heating on for 5 minutes to let the house warm up.
No sooner had the boiler fired up that I realised that my radiators where full of dry washing that needed folding away. But I couldn’t waste this one blast of heat I had allowed myself. So I rush round emptying and refilling the radiators. Attempting to make the smallest dent in my mountains of washing.

After I finish placing the last item my phone buzzes to life with I text saying grandma is on her way. The boys grab their things and rush to the door as I again shhhhhhh along behind them. P runs to the car as I stand waving goodbye and T pulls the door closed behind him.


I freeze to my spot thinking the whole thing is over. That had to have woken the girls.

I stand listening for a sign they’re awake. After a minute I realise my luck is still going strong. I decide to forget my brew and breakfast biscuit and instead opting to lock the door and sneak back up to my room.
I do this with the stealth of a teenager coming in late from a night out and not wanting wake her parents.

I quickly make it to my room but here comes the tricky part. Can I make it from my door to my bed without waking baby?
On my tiptoes I glide across the room holding my breath as baby readjust her position. Sure my luck had run out and the whole thing was over. But with a little yawn and the cutest sound ever she snuggles her teddy and goes back to sleep.

With one more step and I have made it to my bed! I quickly pull the covers over myself and breath. The feeling of triumph is amazing but I can’t celebrate and sleep. So I make a quick plan to treat my success with a yummy breakfast, when I wake up.

I curl back down and relax under my quilt still able to feel the lingering warmth of the nights sleep.

This morning is a major #MorningWin and I have managed to do the unthinkable and get back to bed for a morning nap! My breakfast treat can wait. Sweet dreams all!


Nikki ❤

My 5 favourite posts

Day 26: What are your 5 favourite post from your archives?

I only started blogging in March but here are my 5 favourite from my archives.

1. Why me? Why not? – This is the third post I ever wrote and I love it so much because it helped me come to terms with Baby’s DS. It is a post I will forever hold close to my heart.

2. Breastfeeding and why it was for me! – This post is full of my stories on my breastfeeding journeys with my children.

3. The Silent Morning – I love this post because I was feeling creative one morning and decided to describe and make my morning more exciting.

4. Highlights of childhood – This is the first poem I have wrote in a long time and I was really proud of myself to finally be able to complete it and I think it’s actually quite good. (I know I’m bias)

5. Fun, Games and Daisy Chains – It’s a great post I think about a stressful day that turned out quite fun and great 🙂

So there you go my 5 favourite posts.

Can’t wait to read yours

Nikki ❤

blog every day in August

My 10 favourite blogs

I am linking up with Emma at outnumbered as part of the #BEDAoutnumbered challenge.

Day 21: What are your 10 favourite blogs?

I have many different blogs I read and link up too but my 10 favourite are:

1. Life As Alice
This is the blog of Alice. She is an amazing person who is a mum of 2. She has a teenage son, who has Down syndrome also. I love reading her blog seeing her pictures and just generally see what she gets up to. (not in a stalkery way) We became friends first through a DS support site and it was through reading her blog and her advice that I was able to create mine. I have never met Alice but I hope to one day and her amazing son. Her blog gives me hope, makes me smile and let’s me know that sometimes it’s ok to cry about DS. Her blog is worth a read I promise.

2. mumturnedmom
This blog is by Sara. She is a lovely woman from Scotland who has moved over to America with her family. She run a weekly linky called #theprompt I try to join as often as I can or when the creative juices are flowing. I’m not always able to come up with anything though but she still includes me in her list every week to ask me to join. I love reading all the different ways she is creative with her prompts. Writing poems, short stories or just telling is about her life. It in a great read.

3. The Reading Residence This blog is run by Jocelyn and is a great read. She blogs about life, about family, reviews and competitions too. She also host pleat of Linkys such as word of the week which I try to join every Friday and bring back paper I love reading what she has done over the week on a Friday and I try my best to join in to her linky.

4. PODcast
This is a blog run by Charly. She is a amazing a other who has an great talent for taking photographs. She runs and joins a number of Linkys join so I can’t help but come across her amazing blog. It’s differently worth a look.

5. Onedad3girls
This is a blog run by Darren. He is a father of girls and loves taking photos. He has run a linky #mysundayphoto that I join religiously every week and I love looking at his photos on a Sunday and reading his blog posts if I have time.

6. Zena’s suitcase is a blog on a mother who has an older childer plus 2 younger children close to E and Baby’s age. She hold some Linkys that I have joined in the past but have be absent from recently 😦 (I should really aim to finish the draft I have been typing for this linky) I live reading her post and because I know that we go through very similar things. She has helped me a lot in past too answering my nearly endless questions about blogging and adding me to groups on Facebook.

7. Downs Side Up
This is a blog run by Hayley. She is a fellow DS mummy and I have only tweeted her a few time but I love reading her informative posts about life with a child with DS. I have also watch her and her daughter on TV join her linky for #TeamT21 when I type a post that involves DS or my daughter.
Her advice and post gave always help be through times of uncertainty.

8. The Oliver’s Madhouse
Is a blog run by Jaime, she is a mother how write review and blogs about parenting. I love see all the thing she gets up to or reviews with her family and have used some of her views when I have been looking at or pick something out to buy. Great blog!

9. brummymummyof2this blog is run by Emma or Em. I love reading about her adventures with her kids and the thing did gets up to. But the thing I loved the most is her sarcasm and wit. Most of her post have me Laughing Out Loud and always manage to out a smile on my face. Trust me she us a blogger you don’t want to miss out reading.

10. internetburnette I have this linky #BEDAoutnumbered to thank for this one. Because without this linky I probably wouldn’t of found this blog but I have really enjoyed reading about her life abc getting to know some more about her. So much so I have started following her blog.

So there you go my 10 favourite blogs.

What are yours?

Nikki ❤

blog every day in August

My best moments of this year

I am linking up with Emma at outnumbered as part of the #BEDAoutnumbered challenge.

Day 20: What is the best thing to happen to you this year?

See I found this one a bit difficult as I can’t really pick my best moment of this year. I have loads at are equal as good or exciting for me.
If it was of 2013 I would easily have said the day I found out I was pregnant in January or when I got married in March or the day Baby was able to finally come home at 23 days old in October. I would of said the day she was born because it was a amazing and I was happy to have my baby but thing took a horrid turn rather quickly after birth. (You can read about it Here!)

This year I don’t have moments that as exciting or as amazing as last year but my favourites are:

Doing my first driving lesson.

Having our first family holiday, as a complete family.

Celebrating my first wedding anniversary.

Seeing all the amazing things Baby as pushed herself to do and achieve.

Starting my blog.

So there you go some of my best moments of this year 🙂 but this year sing over yet 🙂 we still have Baby’s first birthday to come up in next few months and a amazing Christmas where she will be able to take part instead of sleep like last year.

I can’t wait to read your best moments.

Nikki ❤

blog every day in August

My 10 favourite foods.

I am linking up with Emma at outnumbered as part of the #BEDAoutnumbered challenge.

Day 19: Whats your 10 favourite foods.

Well this list is probably going to read like a list of food you can’t eat while pregnant or breastfeeding.
I am a massive lover of food but at moment as I am breastfeeding Baby still I can’t eat most of it 😦
It’s a good job I’m on a coach on way to seaside today otherwise I would probably be rather sad by end of this due to fact I can’t eat half of it.

1. Shellfish
I love nearly all shellfish. Prawns, crab, cockles and mussels. (I haven’t tried lobster YET! But I bet it is yummy)
I love them in seafood cocktails or in a tray in vinegar/pickled (I know classy)

2. Calamari
I love squid specially with a lovely tomato based salsa or sauce. This is my serious idea of comfort food. I always feel happy eating it 🙂
When ever my hubby would take me to frankie and benny’s I would order their calamari cause it was my favorite.

3. Crunchy nut cornflakes
I love a good bowl of cereal on a morning or on a evening for supper. But crunchy nut cornflakes are just a must.
I alway giggly at there advert when it comes on because that is me. I would be the one holding the bowl as the dinosaurs got us saying “there just so nutty” 😀

4. Steak
I blame my love of rare/blue steaks on my parents due to the many trips to America as a child. Most people think I am weird because I only love it because of the blood. I think it’s lush and I like dipping I’m chips in the meat juices that is left on plate or mix in my mash potatoes.
Nothing beats a nice juicy piece of steak specially when it’s accompanied with a large glass of red wine 🙂

5. Salad
I love salad in summer we have it with nearly every evening meal. I don’t just do a simple salad I like to add olives, peri peri peppers, boiled eggs, raw broccoli, or even salt and pepper. It all depends on how I feel and what I fancy that day.

6. Salmon
I prefer it when it pan fried or baked the fillets because I love the skin to be all crispy but if I’m having a healthy meal then I will steam it.
If it’s the thin sliced smoked salmon I like to fry it and add it to my scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms and pepper. It’s really yummy and was my favourite thing to egg while I was pregnant with E.

7. Soft boiled eggs with soldiers
I love dipping my bread in the runny yoke it reminds me of childhood and always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside 🙂

8. Roast dinners
You can’t beat a Sunday or any day roast dinner with all the trimmings. (although I am one of the very few Yorkshire people who doesn’t like Yorkshire puds)
Again it reminds me of childhood and of family dinners. Now I’m the mother I try my best to have family dinners with my kids because I want the to have similar memories to what I had growing up.

9. Chocolate fudge cake
I think this is a given to most people and doesn’t need and explanation.

10. Bread
Freshly baked bread. When it’s still soft and warm in middle. Hmmmmmm my idea of heaven

As you can see half of my list is a no go when your pregnant or breastfeeding and most of the other stuff is bad for you or fattening in large amounts (minus the salad).

What’s your list of your favourite foods?

I’ll be checking all your list tonight or tomorrow depending what time where back from seeing the sea 🙂
*waves from beach*

Nikki ❤

blog every day in August

What I collect

I am linking up with Emma at outnumbered as part of the #BEDAoutnumbered challenge.

Day 18: What do you collect?

I use to collect things when I was younger. I use to collect stickers, picture and Teddy’s. But as I got older I just lost interest in it.
I still read one of the comics I collected as a teen which is Nemi.



They always made me laugh and smile. I now have the app so I reach and saved the ones I like/love.

Other then that I only ever seem to collect children. Randomly I will have the kids friends in my garden or house. I don’t mind unless they end up arguing amongst themselves and if that happens I just politely warn them all to stop but if it continues I will send their friends home.
If you count my 3 (Baby still too young to play in garden) or 4 if my step daughter is here plus their friends off street and from school it slowly turns into a lot of kids.

So there you go that what I collect even if sometime I don’t mean to collect them.

What do you collect?

Nikki ❤

blog every day in August

When I win the lottery!

I am linking up with Emma at outnumbered as part of the #BEDAoutnumbered challenge.

Day 16: If you won the lottery

see I don’t say “if I won the lottery” I say “When I win the lottery!”
I know one day I am going to win the lottery (even though I don’t really out it on). I don’t know when or how or even how much but it’s a feeling I have deep in my bones that one day I will win.

Now the question is what am I going to do with the money “when” I win.
So here is my list of what I’m going to do:

1. Buy a house or put a deposit down for a house.
I wouldn’t want a mansion just a nice big 5/6 bedroom house, so the older kids could have a bedroom of their own. I would want a living room, dining room, play room, a huge kitchen with a dishwasher and a converted attic or conservatory. So hubby could have the “man cave” he always dreamed of.
I would want a big garden with a climbing frame/swing set and Wendy houses for kids. In a nice area in the suburbs or near the country or woods, so we could go explore.

2. I would book my holidays.
All the places I want to visit in my top 5 destinations would be crossed off and I would finally have the honeymoon the hubby and I couldn’t afford.

3. I would finish learning to drive and so would my hubby.

4. I would buy a car or two.
I would get a lovely big 7 seater for when I needed to go out with the kids but I would love to have a car that was just mine. (if we could afford it)

5. I would hire I cleaner.
I wouldn’t have a cleaner for the small stuff or the general cleaning as I enjoy doing that myself. It’s the big getting in all the nucks and crannies spring cleaning that I hate having to do and with 4 kids I have to do it a lot. So once a week I would have a lady come in and deep clean my new house.

6. I would put my children in private school.
I want my kids to have the best education but being a non driver. We could only get the best education that was available to us. I am not saying the boys school is a bad one (I went to same school as a child) but I want my kids to be the best that they can be and have every opportunity available to them. Private school can give them that.

7. I would open trust funds for my kids and invest money where I could.
That way my kids would have money when their older plus with the right investments our money will grow.

When were my hubby or I have talked about “what if”, one thing I have always said is that I wouldn’t allow him to give up his job (would be happy him working part time). This is because money doesn’t last forever and goes down really quickly but most importantly I would probably go insane having him home constantly!

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Nikki ❤

blog every day in August